Our journey in becoming first time parents, in my slightly incoherent words

Tough day…


I Know You Hurt This Mother’s Day: A Message to the One Desiring to Be Called Mommy

Reading this was like hitting the nail on the head. My friends that don’t know about our infertility struggles don’t understand why Mother’s Day is hard. “Don’t worry, it will be you one day” “at least you’re young, take advantage of not having kids” and the list goes on. It’s not about being jealous or wanting more. It’s about the child we lost that would be here with us and 5 months old. It’s about the hormones and drugs just to get one good quality embryo and the thousands of dollars and hours of tears and heart ache. I trust in gods plan for us. Just like this post says every day with infertility is like a light shower. Mother’s Day is the torrential downpour of nonstop thunder showers.

Waiting for Baby Bird Ministries

I know you hurt this mother's day

I know that soon your alarm will go off. Your eyes will slowly begin to open. And as you roll over to see the sun peeking through the curtains, you will remember. It’s Sunday. It’s Mother’s Day. It’s a day that many have been anticipating. Even planning. But you? This is the day that you have been dreading for weeks. Even months. And so as you pull the covers over your head in denial, your chest begins to tighten. Your stomach starts to twist into knots. And the tears you often hold back? They will begin to fall. Because it’s another year without a child to call your own. Another Mother’s Day without hearing the sounds of giggles coming from the kitchen as tiny hands prepare you scrambled eggs and burnt toast. Another year gone by without hearing the pitter patters of little feet running down the hallway to bring…

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Paint project 

I’m a pretty hands on creative person. I don’t really like getting dirty but I like the challenge of DIY projects. 

Today I painted the second bedroom (babies room) I also made a solo journey to ikea and bought the dresser for that room too! 

I forgot to take before pictures but here’s what I did on my Saturday morning: 


My logic is maybe a baby wasn’t ready to be born because they didn’t have their own space… It’s ..my fantasy to think all we needed was a room to be ready. It’s naive and silly, but it makes me feel better. And feeling good is all that matters. Next weekend I shall build the dresser which will double as a change table… I think. Not 100% sure on that one. 
Xoxox -C

Day 1 

Today was CD1 the beginning of our FET. I am on an estrace protocol to get estrogen levels up and a nice thick (not too think) lining. In about 16 days I will go in for my first ultrasound to check the lining and about 5 days after that our lucky embryo will be transferred. 

My cramps were a solid 10 today. I was a hot minuite away from leaving work, but I toughed it out. 

This weekend I’m painting the babies room with my mamma. Looking forward to posting before and after pictures!

To wait or not to wait 

I guess I was confused as to what waiting a cycle meant…. I got the following message from my RN and now I don’t know if we should wait a “full” cycle (June) or go ahead now (May)


Last I heard my estrogen levels wee high… So now they are probably going down.. Then they want me to take estrace again? I’m confused…. 

What to do…. What to do…. If you have 2 cents I’d like to hear from you!!

Xoxo -C


Turn of the Tides

Can’t believe we both went from 15 to 1 …. One.

Meet the Hopefuls

We were so close. Unfortunately, none of our other seven embryos made it to the blastocyst stage. In the end, we came out with one frozen embryo. Just one. We have one chance of making this work. There is so much riding on that one frostie. Our doctor said one other embryo had potential, but in the end it didn’t make it. The five others stopped growing.

I’m learning that this process is full of ups and downs. One day the outlook seems positive, the next day you’re reeling from the news. I am disappointed that I let myself get too excited. Yesterday we were elated. Today we’re hurting.

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Day 5 update 

We have lost 3 embryos. They were not meant for this world. 

We have one good embryo that was frozen yesterday. They referred to him as “nice”…DH keeps reminding me we only need one. 

To keep myself from going insane I’m going to prepared the embryos room. Painting next weekend. 

God speed little embryo – 4BB is you quality and I trust you will be our lucky one. 


Love &Light xoxoxox C 

Day 3 embryo update

Our RE called (direct, not a nurse 🏥) to tell me that all 7 embryos made it to day 3 however my high estrogen levels are a concern and he wants to freeze all embryos that make it to day 5. 

This is good news? Ive felt like shit all day today at work. As much as I know that this is for the best. This means waiting until next cycle and doing a FET mid May. I think. Which means baby due end of January. I feel like every month we postpone or wait I’m just getting older and older…. 

I have to continue with the endometrin vaginal pills (so gross) for the next 10 days twice a day. I have faith that now that we have a baby room and were financial secure this baby I ready to be welcomed into this world. 

I feel dizzy, ill, constipated, queasy and like poo.

Looking forward to day 1!


Fertilization report 

  • 15 eggs retrieved 
  • 10 mature 
  • 7 fertilized with ICSI

Day 3 is Monday, I will get another report then. I am throwing the idea around of holding off the transfer to next cycle or say 5 with assisted hatching. My RE is in the office Monday and I will discuss this with him. But I want to make sure my estrogen levels aren’t too high. 

Comments welcome on your thoughts…

3 day transfer?

5 day transfer?

Freeze all? 

1DPER-one day past egg retrevial

images (3)

Here is the report of the follicles, still waiting to hear on fertilization report:

CD11 **Estradiol 14099 pmol/L

Left Ovary

L1 18 mm

L2 10 mm

L3 16 mm

L4 13 mm

L5 14 mm

L6 15 mm

L7 14 mm

L8 14 mm

L9 14 mm

Right Ovary

R1 17 mm

R2 18 mm

R3 16 mm

R4 16 mm

R5 17 mm

I woke up @ 6:30 and I can’t go back to sleep…I wanna know the fertilization report And I wan go to Ikea and buy a crib… but I wanna be a mamma more… so rest it is.

love&light –C

Searching for the Stork

An Experience with Infertility


my lifeline of love, marriage and infertility

Infertility: My Journey

A medic's experience

Trials Bring Joy

Starbucks, Peace, and the Addition of Two Babies.

Meet the Hopefuls

Building our family through IVF