Our journey in becoming first time parents, in my slightly incoherent words

Daily Archives: February 22, 2015

Well we had our appointment with our RE.

He then proceeded to go over day by day our previous IVF cycle. He explained why he made the decision to keep me on injectable a for an extra day. How there was no medical reason that I only had ___ number of mature follicles. He said that he was surprised only 3 fertilized and 2 were top quality. He feels next time he can do it better … Wait a minute… “next time” ?? M and I were there’s to talk about jumping on the IUI train again… I instantly felt sick. IVF again!??

Our RE must have seen the shock in our faces. We didn’t want to sign up for another $15,000. That’s out of the question. (still, no tears… )M spoke up and said “we don’t have IVF money left, we simply don’t.” I could feel the anger and disappointment in my Dear Husbands voice.

**this is where it gets amazing **

Our RE could see the disappointment in our faces. He said “well what if I could get you some free drug?” M said “that would be awesome ” our RE explained that Merck, has a compassionate drug program for people who have purchased their product before. The second time around THEY GIVE IT TO THEM FREE…( tears welling in left eye at this point) … He started calculating numbers and adding and adding and subtracting and subtracting… He came up with an almost $6000 savings! Praise Jesus, Buddha, and Allah!! M immediately said “yup we will do it” (full tears and snot trail from my nose now) our RE proceeded to say he won’t charge for the ICSE saving another $1500.

I we sobbing because I was sooo happy and im crying again now because I’m sooo happy. It’s like a gift you weren’t expecting. We wanted to be realistic this time around with IUI but we’re sure this IVF will work!

When we got home M said …”as soon as your are 3 months were doing whatever you want to this babies room” that melted my heart.

In inclusion – IVF train has another passenger! We are going to do it in April I believe.


-xoxo C

Searching for the Stork

An Experience with Infertility


my lifeline of love, marriage and infertility

Infertility: My Journey

A medic's experience

Trials Bring Joy

Starbucks, Peace, and the Addition of Two Babies.

Meet the Hopefuls

Building our family through IVF